Tokyo, Japan

Curriculum vitae
Name: Sajio SUMIDA, MD; D Sci; Ph D
Director, Dr. Sajio Sumida Clinic, & Lab of Cryomedicine and Blood Transfusion
Takeda-Bldg. 203, Ginza 2-11-6, Chuoku, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan
Tel & Fax: +81-(0) 3-5698-3505
Date of Birth: July 6, 1933
Academic Background
1959 M.D., cum laude, Toho University School of Medicine
1964 M.D., Ph.D. (Dr. of Medical Science), Toho University
(Thesis: Hypothermic Haemodilution Perfusion with Heart-Lung Machine in Cardiac Surgery)
1984 Ph.D. (Dr. of Physical Science). Fukuoka University
(Thesis: Cryobiochemistry of Living Cells)
Professional Career (Employers, positions and dates)
1964, 4,1-1969, 7, 30: Assistant of Department of Surgery, Toho University of School of Medicine, Tokyo
1969, 9, 16-1999, 3, 31: Chief, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, and Laboratory of Organ Preservation and Transplantation, National Kyushu Medical Center Hospital, Fukuoka
1977-1997: Visiting Professor of Kitazato University School of Medicine
1997-: Visiting Professor of Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Toho University School of Medicine
2002,9,5-2004,3,30: Honorary Director of Yagi Hospital-Fukuoka
2003,12,1-2004,4,30: Honorary Director of Takada Central Hospital-Yokohama
2004,5,10-2008,5,30: Honorary Director of Wakkanai Teishinnkai Hospital, Wakkanai
2008,6,1-2009,3,31: Honorary Director of Seiwa Byoin, Izu, Shizuoka
2009,7,1- Department of Surgery, Kaihou Hospital, Tatebayashi, Gunma
Licensure and Certification
1960, 7, 11: Passed the National Examination for Medical Practitioners in Japan
Japan Surgical Society, 1960-
Japanese Society of Thoracic Surgery, 1962-
Japan Surgical Association, 1962-
Japanese Society of Blood Transfusion, 1964-
Japanese College of Angiology, Member of Distinguished Services 1965-
Japan Society for Low Temperature Medicine, 1974-
Japan Shock Society, Member of Distinguished Services, 1986-
Society for Cryobiology, 1966-
International Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, 1972-
International Society of Cryosurgery, 1978-
Honor, Award, Fellowship, President, and Board Member
The First Winner of Award of Japanese Society of Coloproctology,1968, 4.
Shioda Award of the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan, 1973, 10.
Award of Recognition, Philippine Society of Cryosurgery, INC. 1986, 3,16,
Ichimura Award of Japan Foundation for the New Technology, 1980, 4.
Honorary Member of International Institute of Refrigeration, 1987.
Honorary President of International Society of Cryosurgery, 1989.
Honorary Fellow of Indian Cryogenic Council, 1988.
Honorary Member of Imperial Gift Foundation “Saiseikai”, 1997.
Honorary Academician of Ukraine Academy of Stomatology, 2000.
Honorary Academician of Russian Academy of Medicine, 2001
Fellow of the Society for Cryobiology, 2010.
Honorary Cardiovascular Surgeon Certified by the Board of Japan Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, 2010..
Presidents and Board Members of Professional Societies
Founding President of Japan Society for Low Temperature Medicine, 1974
Board of Governors of the Society for Cryobiology, 1977-1980, 1983-198
President of International Society of Cryosurgery (1984-1986)
Editorial Board of the Society for Cryobiology, 1976-1995
Editorial Board of Problems of Cryobiology, Ukraine, 1985-
President, Commission C1 of International Institute of Refrigeration, 1985-1991
Editorial Board of an International Journal, “Cell and Tissue Banking”, 2000-2010
Original Papers
Sumida S, Okuyama Y, Kamegai T. Serum hepatitis from frozen blood. Lancet1967;2:1255-1256.
Sumida, S.: Frozen blood -Ten years of clinical experiences. Low Temp Med 1975; 1(1): 7-14.
Sumida, S., and Sumida, M.: Frozen blood: HLA sensitization. Low Temp Med 1975; 1(4): 3-7.
Sumida, S., and Yamaguchi, A.: Resumption of activity in spontaneous beating pieces and whole organs of rat heart after freezing for two years in liquid nitrogen. Low Temp Med 1975; 1(4): 265-274.
Sumida, S., Eto, S., and Morishige, F.: Combination therapy of megadose chemotherapy and frozen autologous marrow transplantation of patients with advanced solid cancer. Low Temp Med 1984; 9(3): 43-46.
Sumida, S., Yamaguchi, A., and Kawata, H.: Fibrillation and contraction tracing from adult rat hearts after freezing in liquid nitrogen for ten years. Low Temp Med 1984; 10(3): 47-51.
Sumida, S., Eto, S., and Morishige, F.: High-dose chemotherapy with frozen autologous marrow transplantation in patients with poor prognosis tumors. Jpn J Clin Oncol 1984; 14 (Suppl. 1): 553-562.
Sumida, S.: Transfusion of Blood Preserved by Freezing. Igakushoin, Tokyo, J.B. Lippincott Co. Philadelphia and Toronto 1973, George Thieme Publishers, Stuttgart, 1974.
Sumida, S.: Current Diagnosis and Treatment of Shock. Kanehara Book Publishers, 1969, (in Japanese).
Sumida, S.: Frozen Blood, Nihon Ijishinposha Publishers, Tokyo, 1972, (in Japanese).
Sumida, S.: Treatment of Shock, Kanehara Book Publishers, Tokyo, 1972, (in Japanese).
Sumida, S.: Blood Transfusion in Clinical Medicine, Kanehara Book Publishers, Tokyo, 1978 , (in Japanese).
Sumida, S.: Transfusion Medicine in the New Millennium, Kanehara Book Publishers, Tokyo, 2000, (1200 pages, in Japanese).
Sumida, S. and Padilla-Cruz, A Edited: Congress Proceedings of the 5th World Congress of Cryosurgery, The University Press, University of the Philippines System, Diliman, Quezon City, 1985.
Sumida, S.: Cryomedicine, International Institute of Refrigeration, World Conference, Paris, June 18‐20, 1986.