Greeting from the 22nd president of ISC

Dear Honorary Presidents, Honorary Members and distinguished colleagues,
I am honored, proud and pleased to serve as the 22nd President of the prestigious International Society of Cryosurgery.
The field of cryosurgery is achieving increasing interest around the world due to new scientific data and innovative therapeutic devices and modalities. To date, Cryosurgery is applied also as cryoablation, percutaneous, laparoscopic and intralesional cryotherapy, targeted and guided cryoablation therapy and cryoimmunology all of which are changing the traditional pathways in surgery and medicine and are improving and saving many lives around the world.
Since the conception of the ISC in 1972, the main goal of the notable members of our society, physicians and scientists, is to share knowledge and to proceed in improving surgical techniques and treatment modalities for the benefit of the patients around the world. In all of the ISC meetings cutting edge presentations were the trigger to further and future discoveries, advancements, improvements and implementation of new ideas and concepts in our dynamic field. This is the essence of our society.
In addition, our society has provided throughout the years a dynamic social base for friendship which generated fruitful collaborations between the members by exchanging information and brainstorming, thus enabling noteworthy scientific partnerships, basic and clinical research and publications in high standard peer- review journals.
My goals as a president will be to further strengthen our society, to enlarge the circles in which our society will be influential and involved, to augment the number of active members and to establish a scientific data base in which updated scientific and clinical work which is executed by the members in our vibrant field will be accessible.
The year 2022 is the 50th anniversary of our society. This is a milestone in which we would like to express our appreciation and gratitude to our Honorary Presidents Prof. Dr. Nikolai N. Korpan, The late Prof. Dr. Sajio Sumida, Prof. Dr. Kecheng Xu, Prof. Dr. Haruo Isoda, Prof. Dr. Masashi Watanabe, Prof. Dr. Yueyong Xiao and the Secretary General Esther Lee Poh LAW, Vice Presidents, Board of Governors, Secretaries and Members for their unconditional and continuous support, concern and efforts in maintaining, securing and consolidating our respected society throughout the years.
I am looking forward to collaborate with each of you and together we shall continue to develop the International Society of Cryosurgery by outstanding and break though scientific work combined with unforgettable social friendship and gathering.
"Ice for Life"
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
Keep well and safe,
With respect,
Prof. Yaron Har-Shai MD
22nd President of the ISC