Meeting with Professor Dr. Alexey V. ZHAO

March 27,2013

Meeting in Vienna on March 27th, 2012 with Professor Dr. Alexey V. Zhao, Head of the Department of Abdominal Surgery, A.V. Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery, Moscow, Russia (left) and Sergei V. Kungurtsev, Scientific production company "Biomedstandart", Moscow, Russia (right)

Conference Room, Headquarters of the International Society of Cryosurgery, since November 2nd, 2011 - at present


Headquarters of the International Society of Cryosurgery, since November 2nd, 2011 - at present


Monument of the famous surgeon Theodor Billroth (1829 - 1894), Founder of the Rudolfinerhaus Vienna (Austria) in 1882, where now the headquarters of the International Society of Cryosurgery and the International Institute for Cryosurgery are established