Prof. Navid Eghdalieh丨Presentation at the 21st World Congress of the International Society of Cryosurgery:《Cryoablation of Osseous Metastases》

March 30,2022

Prof. Navid Eghdalieh shared his team's experience in cryoablation treatment of bone metastases. Cryoablation is an effective treatment for multiple bone metastases with less trauma, faster recovery, fewer complications, and a high degree of safety, especially with controlled damage to important structures such as the spinal cord.

Navid Eghdalieh教授丨第二十一届世界冷冻大会发言:题目《骨转移瘤的冷冻消融术》

Navid Eghdalieh教授为我们分享了他的团队在骨转移瘤冷冻消融治疗方面的经验。冷冻消融是治疗多发骨转移瘤的有效手段,创伤小、恢复快、并发症少,特别是对脊髓等重要结构的损伤可控,安全性高。