Prof. Yaron Har-Shai shared his valuable experience in treating different auricular keloids using cryoablation. Professor Yaron noted that keloid treatment techniques are an effective tool for reducing dissatisfaction in patients with ear keloids and fostering a positive attitude toward the physician's efforts to successfully resolve their perplexing scars.
Yaron Har-Shai教授丨第二十一届世界冷冻大会发言:题目《不同类型的耳廓瘢痕和冷冻手术的治疗:获得持久临床效果的最佳做法》
Yaron Har-Shai教授为大家分享了利用冷冻消融治疗不同耳廓瘢痕的宝贵经验。耳廓瘢痕的冷冻治疗技术是一种有效的工具,可以减少耳部瘢痕疙瘩患者的不满情绪,并且手术花费小,治疗创伤小,在门诊就可进行。