The well-known problem of the stability of the dormant state of tumor cells, which can be activated and begin active reproduction due to a still unknown mechanism, is considered. It has been shown that such a mechanism can be a threshold change in the intensity of the processes of spatial migration of these tumor cells, for example, during invasive diagnostic interventions in clinical practice. The hypothetical prototypical human malignant tumor model was created for this study based on our own long-time fundamental theoretical, experimental, and clinical research on ultra-low temperatures in biomedical science and its practical application within surgical oncology concerning diagnostics and prevention of malignant diseases. Numerous animal and clinical studies in vitro and in vivo were published in the world scientific professional literature point by point previously using active-passive freezing-thawing cycles under ultra-low temperatures. A discrete set of ranges of changes in the values of the diffusion coefficients, which determines the intensity of cell migration, in which diffusion instability of tumor cell dormancy occurs, has been established. In this study, experimental and clinical investigations in vitro and in vivo paved the way for a mathematical estimation of the standard tumor diagnostics and cryodiagnostics in living biological matter. The use of an ultra-low-temperature technique for carrying out standard diagnostic procedures in surgical oncology is proposed, which can prevent the risk of occurrence of diffusion instability of the tumor dormant state.
Nikolai N. Korpan教授丨第二十一届世界冷冻大会发言:《肿瘤休眠状态的扩散不稳定性和标准的介入性肿瘤诊断》