Buenos Aires, Argentina

Short-time Cryo CV
Upon graduation cum laude in Medical School at the University of Buenos Aires in 1977 she specialised in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Afterwards she ultraspecialised in Lower Genital Tract Pathology and Colposcopy (LTP&C) at the Argentine Society of Lower Genital Tract and Colposcopy, a very well recognised institution. Soon after she joined the aforementioned Society and in 2007 she was:
Member of the Board of the Director
Director of the School of LGTP&C and
Editor of the scientific publication (Revista Colposcopía) official publication of these Society.
In parallel she specialised in Cryosurgery and is was President of The Argentine Society of Cryosurgery.
Currently, Dr Mauro is:
. Argentine Medical Association
. University Professional Association of the Durand Hospital
. Argentine Society of Lower Genital Tract and Colposcopy (Member of the Board of the Director)
. Argentine Society of Cryosurgery (Member of the Board of the Director)
. International Society of Cryosurgery (Member of the Board of the Director)
Dr. Mauro pioneered a new technology, Cryosurgery, for the treatment of gynaecological cancers in Argentina [Cryomedicine, p. 299-301, 1992; Cryomedicine, p. 277-285, Argentina 1996; Skin Cancer, Vol. 17 Nr. 2, 2002, p. 63-72; Gynecol Oncol. 2009 Sept; 114(3):542-3]. This safe technology is capable of preserving functional and anatomic structures after locally controlling disease. It is expected that her work will lead to changes in advanced or extended genital cancer, where conventional therapeutics can produce anatomy distorting body image and functionality, with important psychosexual sequelae and quality of life impairment.
Some images

“VIII World Congress of Cryosurgery. - II Argentine Congress of Cryosurgery. - XIII Annual Meeting of the American College of Cryosurgery. Organized by the Argentine Society of Cryosurgery and the American College of Cryosurgery. Held in Buenos Aires from 07 to 11/10/92. Table "Cryosurgery in Gynecology." Chaired by Prof. Baltazar Lema

“10th WORLD CONGRESS OF CRYOSURGERY”. Organized by American College of Cryosurgery. Held in Orlando, Florida from 29-10 to 1/11/98. From right to left Dr Mauro, Dr. Gloria Graham, Dr. Esther Stolar, Dr Beatriz Judkin, Dr Lucia Lopez Aguero, Dr. Teresita Santillan and other members

“10th WORLD CONGRESS OF CRYOSURGERY”. Organized by American College of Cryosurgery. Held in Orlando, Florida from 29-10 to 1/11/98. From right to left Dr Mauro, Dr. Esther Stolar, Dr Beatriz Judkin, Dr Eliezer Turjansky. The girl is a daughter Florencia

“10th WORLD CONGRESS OF CRYOSURGERY”. Organized by American College of Cryosurgery. Held in Orlando, Florida from 29-10 to 1/11/98. From right to left Dr Mauro, Dr. José Carlos Almeida Gon?alvez and a daughter Florencia

“10th WORLD CONGRESS OF CERVICAL PATHOLOGY AND COLPOSCOPY” Organized by the International Federation for Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy and the Argentine Society of Pathology of the Lower Genital Tract and Colposcopy. Held in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 7 to 11/11/99. She is receiving the prize ”Miguel Angel Tatti” for work “Prevalence of HPV infection in a hospital population”, conducted on 31,000 patients

“38th ARGENTINE CONGRESS OF CERVICAL PATHOLOGY AND COLPOSCOPY” Organized by the Argentine Society of Pathology of the Lower Genital Tract and Colposcopy. Held in Buenos Aires, Argentina November 2009

BIT Life Sciences’ 3rd World Cancer Congress 2010
Theme: Health Science without Borders. Held in Singapore
Time: June 22-25, 2010. Venue: Singapore EXPO, Singapore

BIT Life Sciences’ 3rd World Cancer Congress 2010
Theme: Health Science without Borders. Held in Singapore
Time: June 22-25, 2010. Venue: Singapore EXPO, Singapore. Conference “Successful local control of Neoplastic Lesions in the vulva with Cryosurgery”

“14th WORLD CONGRESS OF CERVICAL PATHOLOGY AND COLPOSCOPY” Organized by the International Federation for Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy and the Brazilien Society of Pathology of the Lower Genital Tract and Colposcopy. Held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2011

16th World Congress of the International Society of Cryosurgery, Vienna, Austria, 2011