Dear Board of Governors of ISC,
Dear Members of ISC,
Dear Friends,
Sad news! Professor Jurgis Bredikis, Kaunas, Lithuania, outlived our Japanese friend Sajio Sumida by almost 10 years...
Our historic meeting with Juozas Prusinskas, Jurgis Bredikis, Sajio Sumida and Haruo Isoda in Vilnius, and then in Kaunas more than five years ago – in February 2016 in preparation for the World 19th Congress of Cryosurgery, remains in memory. And then the congress of the International Society of Cryosurgery in Kaunas in September 2017. Please take a look at the attachment.
But without Sajio Sumida – Sajio was seriously ill and could not come to participate in our Congress. As you know, more than one month later, on the morning of November 1, 2017, our great Japanese Friend Sajio Sumida left us forever in immeasurable eternity...
And now - yesterday on Sunday, August 15, 2021 - Professor Jurgis Bredikis passed away at the 93rd year of life (3rd from right). Unforgettable bright memory remains of these two great Scientists of the world among all those who knew them, met, talked, joked, rejoiced in a human way...

Jurgis Bredikis_In memoriam
Best regards,
Nikolai N. Korpan
Vienna, Austria
Some of letters from ISC experts are attached
1_In Memoriam to Jurgis Bredikis_Nikolai Korpan_Vienna_Austria_16_08_2021.pdf
2_In Memoriam_Masashi Watanabe_Tokyo_Japan_17-08-2021.pdf
3_In memoriam_Juana Elida Mauro_Buenos Aires_Argentinia_17_08_2021.pdf
4_In Memoriam_Haruo Isoda_Nagoya_Japan_17_08_2021.pdf
5_In Memoriam_Gary Onik_Mellon_USA_19_08_2021.pdf