Dear Honorary Presidents, Dear Past Presidents, Dear Secretary, Dear Friends,
In the last months Dr. Israel Barken, Congress President, Prof. Dr. Nikolai Korpan, Honorary President and Prof. Dr. Yaron Har-Shai, President of the ISC, are investing all efforts to organize the next 22nd World Congress of the International Society of Cryosurgery at San Diego, California, USA, September 20-21, 2023.
However, after calculating the total expenses of the congress we came to a final decision that it will not be feasible to conduct a frontal meeting at San Diego. The prices of the flights, hotels, congress venue, AV equipment and food are much more expensive than expected.
Prof. Dr. Korpan, Honorary President, has suggested to change the meeting from frontal to a virtual (On-Line) congress and his proposal was immediately accepted.
The meeting will be conveyed from San Diego and Dr. Barken will be the Congress President.
The topics of the 22nd World Congress of the ISC are:
Clinical Sciences: Dermatology, General Surgery, Prostate, Bladder, Renal, Lung, Thoraco-bronchial, Rectal, Gastroenterology, Hepatic, Pancreas, Gynecology and Vulva, ENT, Oral -Maxillofacial, Neurology and Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, Ophthalmology, Cardiovascular, Breast, Oncology, Pediatric, Radiology and Imaging
Basic Sciences: Experimental Cryobiology and Cryosurgery, Cryo-immunology, Organ and Cryo-Preservation, Ice-ball imaging, Low Temperature Biology
Technology: MRI, CT, US, Laser
General: History, Miscellaneous
The deadline for abstract submission is July 16th, 2023.
Please send the Abstracts to Dr. Barken (drbarken@gmail.com) and Prof. Dr. Yaron Har-Shai (har-shai_yaron@clalit.org.il).
Please circulate the attached 2nd announcement and encourage your colleagues to submit abstracts and attend the congress.
We will deeply appreciate your attendance in our 22nd World Congress,
All the best regards,
Dr. Israel Barken Prof. Dr. Yaron Har-Shai Prof. Dr. Nikolai Korpan
Congress President President of the ISC Honorary President